Thursday, July 1, 2010

Interesting morning...Anchoring the news

That's right, the powers that be wanted to see what else they could have me do around work and decided to have me do the news.  It was my first experience doing so, so I apologize for the millions of errors.  Just kidding, actually it went pretty smooth....I was a bit nervous at first, but Pete Scalia helped me calm down and have a great time.  We kept having jokes, that if Mike Terwilleger needed a break or whatnot, all he had to do was tap my hand and I could swing in front of the green screen and take the reigns a few minutes, although I never actually see that happening.  Mike is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but his dedication to his job is second to none.  Anyways I had a fun time and personally, I feel I did surprisingly well for my first time.  Reading the prompter is much harder than people think it is....words constantly scrolling up and you really gotta be on top of your game.... Anyways, I will be back on in the morning on Friday, and possibly time to time depending on what the schedule happens to read.

The beautiful weather will continue for the next few days.  We will slowly start to warm up as we head into the Fourth of July Weekend, but we should stay dry until Tuesday or Wednesday next week.  So if you have any activities planned with the coming holiday, it looks great to be outside and with temperatures warming up, we should see great weather for the pool. Just remember not to get too burnt from all the sunshine in the coming days.  Anyways, just thought I would drop a quick line before grabbing a quick nap before a meeting.... Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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