Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weather Graph = Thousand Words

Don't worry, I wont ramble on for a thousand words.  I just thought I would share this with you because you may find it just as interesting.

I added the blue vertical blue line on top of the data.  This is my station at home and in the last entry I talked about how the rain had switched to the freezing rain.  You can see in the top diagram that around 7 Monday evening the temperatures fell below freezing.  Since then we have stayed below freezing (barely) the entire day so far today and already starting to drop again, so no melting until Wednesday.

It is pretty easy to see that the Barometric pressure dropped when it was raining as well.

Here is the cool part, despite what the reading shows, we have not been perfectly calm since 7PM yesterday.  The freezing rain has frozen the anemometer stiff, so until we finally see the melting, no wind readings.  It also froze the weather vane so the direction is stuck on Northwest.

Anyway, I found it pretty cool....yes, I am a weather geek.

I was just outside of Arcanum today reporting on the icing that parts of Darke County had seen last night.  The parking lot was a solid sheet of ice with the exception of tire marks where someone last evening drove through the slush and it froze in the shape of their tire.  Only a few flurries up there this morning, but it looks like more winter weather could be on the way.

On the horizon: Thursday we will see more rain and that will continue into Friday.  Isolated flooding may once again be a concern with around an inch or more of rain expected on our already saturated soil.  Temperatures will fall below freezing Thursday night and more snow can be expected, especially the Northern part of the Miami Valley again.  Almost a repeat, but the rain to snow switch over will be slightly later in the evening.  Another difference is that there does not look like as much freezing rain as what we had seen last evening.  The positive news is that the next days will get above freezing for part of the day so we will see a little melting, just watch out for refreeze.  Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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