Friday, April 20, 2018

Fishing with Summer, up & down temps and up for a while now...

Last Thursday and Friday were great, weren't they?!?! We hit 78 on Thursday and 82 on Friday.  I took Summer hiking and fishing.
The only fish we caught was the rubber one that was tied to the end of her line so she could practice reeling in the big ones.  Nothing was biting, but we did have a fun time enjoying the warmest days of the year so far.
I also mowed the grass for the first time this year. Some spots I barely cut anything and other spots were super thick and lush.  This next mow should be more consistent. 
Then winter weather returned.  We had a few days this week with some light snow and flurries. 
But yesterday we waved goodbye to winter.  I think there is a 95% chance we are done with the snow for the rest of the season.  SO LONG!!!
We warmed up quickly yesterday and cleared out and we went from snow in the morning to sun in the afternoon.  It was a great day for a run. 
Mostly sunny & mild today, but we do have a chilly start, so you will need the jacket early then you may not need that this afternoon with plenty of sun. Tonight we will be mostly clear and chilly with patchy frost. A few high clouds will move in for Saturday and Sunday, so partly cloudy with temps near 60 both days. These clouds will be part of a Low Pressure system tracking across the Southern United States over the weekend and then graze us with rain early next week. We warm up more Monday and some rain may sneak in here by the evening. More rain likely Tuesday and Wednesday with mild temps and highs in the 60s. Rain holds off though until late Monday or Tuesday, so a great weekend on the way! Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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