That bike and my Puch Maxi will be my favorite two bikes of all time. Both were a blast to ride, but the timing felt right to sell the bike and focus on family. Far too many drivers continue looking at their phone than the road so my safety and well-being is at an all-time high at home with a family that depends on me being there with them. Life outweighs the risk, and if I want to go for a spin then I know where to find the bike and take it around a block or two. Plus this allows for more room in our garage for bike trailers and other fun stuff for Summer.
So from two wheels to two legs... I only did one 3 mile run last week during the week as I was still resting up from a few injuries.
Storm Prediction Center has expanded the Slight Risk for most of Central Ohio now and Enhanced Risk for Eastern #OhioWX. Gusty winds are main threat.
The latest HRRR model bringing some storms into Columbus between Noon
and 3PM today. Other models are having this fizzle out some and staying
more north. Regardless... stay alert today!
Tomorrow the stationary front will start north then a (weak) cold front from Canada will be absorbed into the stationary front and push the stationary front into more of Southern Ohio. This extra lift of the front moving over us, rather than stationary, could lead to a better chance than not of storms for Tuesday afternoon, so going with a 70 PoP. Marginal Risk for severe storms for Southeastern Ohio.
Then for the rest of the week... This could also lead to some nocturnal or early morning rain on Wednesday, so I am going to leave Wednesday at a 40 PoP and same for Thursday, but afternoon showers/storms will mainly stay farther south. If the front stays to the south then temps stay a little cooler, near 80, & the best chances of the rain will be mainly in the late night to morning, rather than the afternoons. The front then starts to lift back north on Friday and stays farther north on Saturday and Sunday allowing for warmer temps. With the front lifting north and allowing for more afternoon/evening storms, I am going to go with a 60 PoP for Friday and the weekend. Have a good one!
Andrew Buck Michael
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